An Ecocentric You -2019

 'An Ecocentric You' is a training of trainers program organized by the 'The ecocentric project' along with Rotaract in RID 3220 - Sri Lanka & Maldives. This two days program focused on eccentricity, sustainable living, being environment conscious, design thinking and mindful living. The objective of the session was to educate and aware of a group of young individuals who will take the knowledge gained back to their communities/schools/workplaces and help in spreading the message across further. 

As the follow-up of this session, I have awarded with Rs.35000.00 to do workshops to the community. I have chosen the school children and teachers to make aware the current water context at Northern, Sri Lanka. Before the COVID in early 2020, I could do two workshops to the teachers and children. 

Further, we have done some community discussions and field visits along with other enthusiastic volunteers to identify the current issues.